Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Public Structure strFieldMask
Private Const K_BITS As Integer = 128
Private Const K_BITS_PER_ITEM As Integer = 32 ' 32 bits per Integer
Private Const UBOUND As Integer = (K_BITS - 1) \ 32 ' Number of items required
Private Const HIGH_ORDER As Integer = 1 << 31 ' High order bit of an integer
Private mMask() As Integer ' Array of words with the bits
#Region "Accessors"
Private Property Mask(ByVal I As Integer) As Integer
If mMask Is Nothing OrElse mMask.Length = 0 Then ReDim mMask(UBOUND)
Return mMask(I)
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
If mMask Is Nothing OrElse mMask.Length = 0 Then ReDim mMask(UBOUND)
mMask(I) = value
End Set
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property AsString() As String
Return Me.ToString()
End Get
End Property
#End Region
#Region "Operators"
Public Shared Operator =(ByVal Operand1 As strFieldMask, ByVal Operand2 As strFieldMask) As Boolean
For I As Integer = 0 To UBOUND
If Operand1.Mask(I) <> Operand2.Mask(I) Then Return False
Return True
End Operator
Public Shared Operator <>(ByVal Operand1 As strFieldMask, ByVal Operand2 As strFieldMask) As Boolean
Return Not (Operand1 = Operand2)
End Operator
Public Shared Operator And(ByVal Operand1 As strFieldMask, ByVal Operand2 As strFieldMask) As strFieldMask
Dim Result As New strFieldMask
For I As Integer = 0 To UBOUND
Result.Mask(I) = Operand1.Mask(I) And Operand2.Mask(I)
Return Result
End Operator
Public Shared Operator Or(ByVal Operand1 As strFieldMask, ByVal Operand2 As strFieldMask) As strFieldMask
Dim Result As New strFieldMask
For I As Integer = 0 To UBOUND
Result.Mask(I) = Operand1.Mask(I) Or Operand2.Mask(I)
Return Result
End Operator
Public Shared Operator Not(ByVal Operand As strFieldMask) As strFieldMask
Dim Result As New strFieldMask
For I As Integer = 0 To UBOUND
Result.Mask(I) = Not Operand.Mask(I)
Return Result
End Operator
Public Shared Operator <<(ByVal Operand As strFieldMask, ByVal Bits As Integer) As strFieldMask
Dim Result As strFieldMask
Dim BitCrossing As Integer
' Brute force method: shift one bit at a time
Result = Operand
For Bit As Integer = 1 To Bits
For I As Integer = UBOUND To 0 Step -1 ' From MS to LS
If I > 0 Then ' If a lower bit could be promoted...
If (Operand.Mask(I - 1) And HIGH_ORDER) <> 0 Then ' ...then capture the bit that crosses the word
BitCrossing = 1
BitCrossing = 0
End If
BitCrossing = 0 ' ...else this is the LSW -- shift-in a 0
End If
Result.Mask(I) = (Result.Mask(I) << 1) Or BitCrossing
Return Result
End Operator
#End Region
#Region "Other Functions and Methods"
Public Property Bit(ByVal BitNumber As Integer) As Boolean
Const One As Integer = 1
Dim I As Integer
Dim TheBit As Integer
I = BitNumber \ K_BITS_PER_ITEM
TheBit = Mask(I) And (One << (BitNumber Mod K_BITS_PER_ITEM))
Return (TheBit <> 0)
End Get
Set(ByVal State As Boolean)
If State Then
End If
End Set
End Property
Public Sub SetBit(ByVal BitNumber As Integer)
Const One As Integer = 1
Dim I As Integer
I = BitNumber \ K_BITS_PER_ITEM
Mask(I) = Mask(I) Or (One << (BitNumber Mod K_BITS_PER_ITEM))
End Sub
Public Sub ResetBit(ByVal BitNumber As Integer)
Const One As Integer = 1
Dim I As Integer
I = BitNumber \ K_BITS_PER_ITEM
Mask(I) = Mask(I) And Not (One << (BitNumber Mod K_BITS_PER_ITEM))
End Sub
Public Sub Zero()
For I As Integer = 0 To UBOUND
Mask(I) = 0
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property IsZero() As Boolean
For I As Integer = 0 To UBOUND
If Mask(I) <> 0 Then Return False
Return True
End Get
End Property
#End Region
#Region "ToString"
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Const BYTEMASK As Integer = &HFF
Dim str As System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim B(K_BITS \ 8 - 1) As Byte
Dim N As Integer
Dim Word As Integer
N = 0
For I As Integer = 0 To UBOUND
Word = Mask(I)
For ByteNumber As Integer = 0 To K_BITS_PER_ITEM \ 8 - 1
B(N) = Convert.ToByte(Word And BYTEMASK)
Word = Word >> 8 ' Put the next byte into the low-order position
N += 1
str = New System.Text.StringBuilder
For N = B.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
str.AppendFormat("{0:X2} ", B(N))
Return str.ToString
End Function
#End Region
End Structure
Post by Greg YoungCan you put up your code?
Post by Richard KuciaWell, in fact it does. The mask structure contains one array of N 32-bit
integers to hold the bits. Each time any function or property of the mask is
invoked, that code tests the array to see if it is (nothing), and Redim's it.
Post by Richard KuciaSo that explains it. The formula mentioned below takes the most recently used
mask structure and shifts it left 1 bit. So each request for another mask is
obviously getting the same object reference, and when the bit-shift occurs, it
effectively occurs in every mask structure, since they are all referencing the
same array.
Post by Richard KuciaSo what is the correct way to handle this? I want each structure to have its
own independent array of N 32-bit integers.
Post by Richard KuciaRick
-------------- Original message from Matthew Wills
: --------------
Post by Richard KuciaPost by Matthew WillsRichard,
Show us the code for strFieldMask. I would bet you are using some reference
types in it.
Matthew Wills | Solution Designer | Adviser Tools and Services | Financial
Planning and Third Party | NAB Technology
Richard Kucia
[DOTNET-CLR] Structures not
behaving as value types
I have a VB.Net declaration of a structure strFieldMask. The intended
purpose is to store a bunch of bits, like a bit vector. The structure also
has operator declarations for =, <>, And, Or, Not and <<, plus some other
methods for bit manipulation.
The problem is that variables of type strFieldMask seem to behave as
though there was a singleton strFieldMask and all instances shared it.
Dim Mask1 as strFieldMask
Dim Mask2 as strFieldMask
Mask1 = (formula for computing the next unused mask value)
Mask2 = (same formula)
Debug.WriteLine(Mask1.ToString)) ' Yes, Mask1, not Mask2
The result from the first WriteLine might be "0x10" and the result from
the second WriteLine might be "0x20".
I've successfully used structures before, but this is the first time I've
tried overloading the operators. Has that caused the behavior I'm seeing?
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